Smurfs village riddle 2
Smurfs village riddle 2

smurfs village riddle 2

Now as much as I enjoy these types of games, sometimes besides building a new place there is no real reason to play. Well Smurf Life is far more story driven than Smurf Village.


So despite the little graphical update just what else is new in this Smurfing game? I have found that sometimes they have a hard time reading text on some iOS games, but we never came across this issue once in Smurf Life. There are many new animations and a great deal of new things for you to find (more on that later!) One thing that I know my kids appreciated was just how nice and clear the images and words were on the various items. I know that people who spent a great deal of time with Smurf Village may be wondering what is different, but the game does look noticeably better.


However from the point of view of a parent I can honestly say that my kids never really cared that the Smurfs looked different from the movie they have seen a million times.Įverything here is nice and colorful and everything just seems to fit nicely into place. This really though is all personal preference, as no doubt I am sure that for us old timers this classic art style will be great, but for younger gamers I am sure that they may wonder why the Smurfs do not look like they do in the movie. They look great – it is very nice to see that they have opted for the art style of the classic Smurfs rather than the art style from the CGI movie. Right lets talk about the games graphics. It was one of the more popular town building style of games on the iOS. Smurf Village was one of those town building games that was just all round Smurfing great fun.

smurfs village riddle 2

I am sure that many of you right now may be thinking what the Smurf is this, didn’t this Smurfing game already come out? Well that is to be expected because yes Smurf Life is actually a sequel to the very popular Smurf Village game. So what exactly does Smurf Life have to offer? Well please read on to find out a little more. Not to mention in my house at least we seem to watch The Smurf’s Christmas Carol at least 3 times a day in the run up to Christmas. The Smurfs have recently had a resurgence in popularity with their movie that was released a little while back.

smurfs village riddle 2

The Smurfs are here with a great new iOS game that is sure to entertain kids of all ages.

Smurfs village riddle 2